ABC “Niji no Kai” …The Aftermath “Revisiting Rikuzen Takata City” / ABC虹の会・・・その後 “陸前高田市への再訪より”

During the summer of 2015, I, Kumiko Inui, ABC Preschool director, and leader of “Niji no Kai”, revisited Rikuzen Takata. I would like to report on my visit, and say my farewell in this last blog post.

The four of us, Satomi Murakami-san, who is originally from Rikuzen Takata, her son, William, and former ABC preschool teacher and “Niji no Kai” volunteer, Mamoru Shirasaki Sensei, and I visited Rikuzen Takata.

During our visit, we saw the completed Rainbow House. Orphans of the earthquake and their families were already starting to use the facility. I saw that it was a place for people to heal their hearts. It was a wonderful building on a quiet, beautiful hill. In the building, "Niji no Kai", the name of our organization, was engraved on a nameplate. (Photos 5 and 6). We were not able to see the engraving during our visit, but we were able to see it later in photos that were sent from the office.

We also visited the Takata Child Care Center. Three years had past since our last visit. The structural foundation of the new child care facility was completed, and the construction of the building had finally begun. During our visit, we discussed with City Hall members, that the “Niji no Kai” would present a jungle gym to the new child care facility. We also decided on the location of where the jungle gym would stand.

In addition, with the help of Mamoru Sensei and William-kun, we lead the children through the “ABC Rock” song, and read "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom". The children were very excited.

In return, the children sang heartwarming songs and presented us with handmade books. At the end, Sasaki-san, the director of the facility, suggested that we part with an American-style hug. We concluded our visit with fond memories.

We also paid a visit to Fukuda Florist, the florist who delivered flowers to the Takata child care facility every month. We decided to extend the delivery of flowers for another year because the beautiful and seasonal flowers were so well received.

We also visited Kumagai Sensei, who was the director at the time of the earthquake. Although it was the first time we had met, there was an unusually strong bond between us, probably due to Kumagai Sensei’s warm personality and the letters we had exchanged since the earthquake. I learned about the harsh reality of the earthquake through some of the painful stories that Kumagai Sensei shared with me.

There was construction and trucks running throughout the town of Rikuzen Takata. There were still many people living in temporary residences and experiencing inconveniencies. Amongst them, there were energetic children and young people actively working to rebuild the town. In addition, I was touched by the humility of the people, who accepted their reality, and worked to move forward. Everyday, I was moved by their strength and kindness. I sincerely hope that the hearts of the residents of Takata and their beautiful town recover as soon as possible.

Although the efforts of the “Niji no Kai” have ended with the construction of the Rainbow House and new Takata child care facility, I hope that we can continue to offer our support going forward. I would like to thank all of the members of the “Niji no Kai” committee from the bottom of my heart.

Last but not least, I would like to thank planning committee members, Chizu Matsuura-san, Yufu Ito-san, and Aya Raymond-san from the bottom of my heart. I would also like to thank Yuko Yoshino-san for English translation, and Hiromi Oda-san for creating and maintaining the blog.

I would like to deeply thank the “Niji no Kai” members and ABC Preschool community for their support. This concludes the activities of the “Niji no Kai” organization. Thank you very much.

August 25, 2015

ABC Preschool Director, “Niji no Kai” leader
Kumiko Inui



建物の中には、私たち「虹の会」の名前が銘板に刻まれています。(写真56) 訪問当日は確認することができませんでしたが、のちに事務所より写真が送られてきました。

また、衛先生とウイリアム君のお力も借り、園児たちに「ABCロック」の歌の指導や絵本、「Chicka Chicka Boom Boomの読み聞かせなどを行ってきました。子供たちは大いに盛り上がりました。







                                                                           乾 久美子

Pic1:Wall of Rainbow House 

Pic2: Visiting Rainbow House (Mr.Shirasaki - former ABC Preschool teacher / Mrs.Inui - ABC Preschool Director / William-kun - a graduate of ABC Preschool / Mr.Yamashita - Rainbow House staff)

Pic3: Rainbow House Multi-purpose room

Pic4: Ashinaga Ojisan at the Hall

Pic5: "Nijinokai" on the nameplate

Pic6: Nameplate

PIc7:Miracle lone pine tree & a youth hostel in Rikuzen Takata City

Pic8: Conveyor Belt

Pic9: Heightening of embankment downtown

Pic: Singing Lesson at Takata Child Care Center

Pic11: Director of Takata Child Care Center / Ms. Inui / William-kun / Mr. Shirasaki

Pic12:  Handmade souvenir book from Handmade

Pic13: Inside look at the souvenir book

Pic14:  A jungle gym

Pic15: Construction site for new child care center

Pic16: Flower shop
PIc17: ABC Nijinokai committee members(Yufu Ito / Kumiko Inui / Chizu Matsuura / Aya Raymond)

BaySpo: Aug, 2015

J Weekly: 9/11/2015