1st & 2nd Bake & Craft Sale / 第1, 2回 ベーク&クラフトセール

1st Bake & Craft Sale on June 10, 2011
Sales from first bake/craft sale: $1,004
・ Of the $1,004, $502 was sent to the Tohoku Rainbow House for the Ashinaga Scholarship fund on July 20, 2011.
・ The remaining $502 was deposited into ABC Preschool's bank account, and earmarked for the Takata Child Care Center to purchase educational materials.

 2nd Bake & Craft Sale on September 14, 2011
Sales from second bake/craft sale: $1,655
・ Of the $1,655, $828 was sent to the Tohoku Rainbow House for the Ashinaga Scholarship fund on October 5, 2011.
・ Of the $1,655, $235.44 was used to purchase educational materials for the Takata Child Care Center.
・ The remaining $591.56 was deposited into ABC Preschool's bank account, and earmarked for the Takata Child Care Center to purchase educational materials.

Educational materials

Recently, we received a letter, along with a newsletter from the Takata Child Care Center. We were able to see that the children appeared happy and healthy. We also received a wish list of educational materials from the facility. We plan to purchase and send items from the list to the facility.
The ABC Preschool children have been touched by the Tohuku earthquake. They have been talking about and looking at photos of the impacted areas, and thinking about the people who have been affected by the disaster. Please see the attached photo of the banner we made, which we will be sending to the Takata Child Care Center.
We greatly appreciate all of your support, and thank you in advance for your support of the upcoming craft sale in December.

“ABC Niji no Kai/Team for Rainbow House” Kumiko Inui, leader
Planning committee: Yufu Ito (Saho), Chizu Matsuura (Sakura), Aya Raymond (Maya)

第1回 ベーク&クラフトセール売上:$1004

第2回 ベーク&クラフトセール売上:$1655


先方様の希望されるリストにそって今後順次、品物を購入し送付して参ります。 ABCプリスクールの子ども達はおりにふれ、震災地の写真をみたり、話し合ったりし、被災された人々に思いをはせています。高田保育所におくるバーナーが完成しましたので添付の写真をごらんください。

1st Bake & Craft Sale on June 10, 2011

2nd Bake & Craft Sale on September 14, 2011